CK English Aulas Particulares de inglês TOEFL online no Brasil.
A prova do TOEFL é uma prova feita por pessoas que desejam estudar em universidades no exterior, incluindo os Estados Unidos, Canadá, Austrália e Europa. Os professores da CK English ajudaram dezenas de alunos a alcançar as pontuações necessárias e finalmente, realizar seus sonhos de estudar no exterior.
Nosso método é simples, primeiro lhe daremos a melhor estratégia para responder corretamente cada pergunta em cada seção - Reading, Listening, Speaking e Writing. Quando tivermos certeza de que você conhece a estratégia, praticaremos com simulações. Nenhuma dúvida será deixada de lado e garantimos que, se seguir nosso método corretamente, você obterá a pontuação desejada.
O curso CK English TOEFL consiste em 6 aulas de estratégia e 30 aulas práticas, mas aulas adicionais podem ser adicionadas com base em suas necessidades individuais. Por exemplo, se você ou o professor perceber que você tem uma certa deficiência gramatical, isso pode ser resolvido por meio de aulas específicas de gramática.
Abaixo está um exemplo do que você pode esperar em sua aula experimental.
Faça uma aula experimental
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TOEFL Experimental Class
In the experimental class we will go through what you can expect to find in the test and the "CK strategy" on how to approach each question.
Practice! Practice! Practice!
The reading section of the TOEFL ITB test is all about speed. You need to learn to read quickly... to find the answers quickly and correctly.
The CK strategy is to read the questions and find the answers in the text. We don't believe you should read the whole text before the questions. However, you need to see what works best for you.
Generally, reading will not be done in class as it is not the most productive way to use the time. However, if you do not practice at home we will do a reading activity every second class. We have many reading resources for you on this site to take advantage of.
We won't do any reading in this experimental class.
If your listening is good, you will find the listening section quite easy. Also, you will find other sections of the TOEFL test easy as some speaking and writing questions involve listening to audios. If listening is not your strength we recommend that you spend a lot of time practicing it.
The CK strategy is to listen without taking notes. This is controversial... but we believe that generally the questions test your understanding and not your memory of the details. However, you need to see what works for you.
Let's practice one now. Listen to the audio below then answer the questions in your test book. You will not be able to listen twice and you will not be able to see the questions while you listen.
Now answer the questions in your digital book.
At this point in the test, after the reading and listening sections, you'll have a 10 minute break.
The speaking section consists of 4 questions. It is the most difficult for most test takers and this is what most of the time in class will be dedicated to.
CK English has a strategy for each question which you can see in your digital book. Once again, practice makes perfect.
Task 1
You'll be asked a certain type of question - agree or disagree, preference, good idea.
You have 15 seconds to prepare and 45 seconds to speak.
Let's try now. Listen to the question below.
When you are preparing take a look at the CK strategy in your digital book.
Task 2
You'll be asked to read a text and then listen to 2 people discuss the text that you read.
You have 45 second to read, then you'll listen, then you have 30 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak. The text and audio will only be available once.
Let's try now. Read the text below then play the audios. You SHOULD take notes while you listen.
A message from the university president
As all of you know, the campus has been closed for a total of eight days this winter due to excessively heavy snow. Because so many hours of classes were cancelled, the administrative board has held extensive discussions to determine the best solution to the problem and has arrived at the decision that it is best to extend the school year by one week. The spring semester had previously been scheduled to end on May 29, but it will now end one week later, on June 5. Although the additional five days of classes that have been added will not entirely make up for the eight days of classes that were cancelled, the board feels that this is the best solution and hopes sincerely that this change will not cause any serious inconvenience.
When you are preparing take a look at the CK strategy in your digital book.
Task 3
You'll be asked to read a text and then listen to a lecture on the topic you just read about.
You have 45 second to read, then you'll listen, then you have 30 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.
The text and audio will only be available once.
We won't do this now as there probably won't be time to get through this experimental class.
Mathematics and Children's Misconceptions
Analyses of children's misconceptions in mathematics indicate that children have considerable difficulties in dealing with fractions. Given the choice of 50 percent and 25 percent, and asked to choose which number is higher, children will correctly choose 50 percent. However, given the choice of 1/2 and 1/4, they will incorrectly choose 1/4. Their reasoning is that since 4 is a larger number than 2, 1/4 is larger than 1/2. Considering this misconception, it is highly likely that the correct answers they give to percentage questions aren't based on understanding the concept of percentages. Holding onto the misconception that 1/4 is a larger number than 1/2, the child often miscalculates the simple addition problem of 1/2 plus 1/2, coming up with the answer of 1/4 instead of 2/2 or 1.
Task 4
Generally the most difficult because you can't get any clues from the text.
You'll be asked to listen to a lecture.
After listening you'll have 30 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.
The audio will only be available once.
We won't do this now as there probably won't be time to get through this experimental class.
There are two task.
Generally, the writing section is where Brazilian test takers tend to get the lowest scores. Practice makes perfect!
CK English will give you a template to follow for both tasks. This will help you to finish the tasks quickly and correctly
After teaching you the strategy for both tasks we will expect you to do the writing exercises at home to be checked and corrected in the following class. If you don't do the writing activities at home we will do them in class every second or third class.
Integrated Task
20 minutes to write.
First you'll read a text. You'll have 3 minutes to read the text, but don't stress too much because the text will come back on to your screen while you are writing. Then you'll listen to a lecture where a professor disagrees with the text you read.
There is no maximum length for your response, but typically an effective response has between 150 and 225 words.
We won't do this now, but below is an example. And the CK template is in your digital book.
Productivity and Rewards
An important management principle is that when behavior is rewarded, it tends to be repeated. It follows that in many business enterprises, the approach to getting employees to work hard or improve productivity is to reward them with money or company stock. In addition, some enterprises use other forms of compensation such as special privileges or perhaps promotion or job reassignments or even company-paid luxury vacations and other bonuses in kind. All such rewards are usually tied in to some index of performance, which precisely calculates the relative amount of increased productivity.
Whatever the type of reward given, managerial consultants point out that the promise of such incentives improves employee attitudes, motivation, and productivity. Typical business handbooks describing compensation methods advocate giving the greatest rewards to those who perform the best. For example, a well-known academic text on incentives points out that "the closer the link between job performance and rewards, the greater the motivational effect."
Advocates of improving productivity through rewards tacitly accept that people are rather like physical bodies that require the application of some external motivating force to be set in motion. Furthermore, they argue that any such incentives must have a high perceived value to the employee and must also be perceived as within the reach of that person. If the productivity goal appears beyond the reach of the person striving for the reward, then the motivational effect will be lower and productivity may decline. But if the reward system is correctly structured, productivity experts argue, it is possible to persuade people to achieve remarkable results.
Independent Task
10 minutes to read and write.
The question simulates a discussion board on a university website. You’ll see a question posted by a professor and two student responses. Your job is to read everything and then write your own response.
We won't do this in the experimental class, but below is an example.
Your professor is teaching a class on political science. Write a post responding to the professor’s question. In your response, you should
- express and support your personal opinion.
- make a contribution to the discussion in your own words
An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.
Professor: Today we’re going to talk about the debate between economic growth and protecting the environment. Economic growth creates new jobs and gives people money they can use to improve their lives. On the other hand, if we protect the environment it can be enjoyed both by ourselves and future generations. If you had to choose between prioritizing economic growth or protecting the environment, which one would you choose. Why?
Alex: I would prioritize the environment. We only have one planet and if we don’t take care of it, we won’t have pleasant lives in the future. Economic growth can be important, but not at the expense of the environment. I think we need to shift towards more things such as investing in renewable energy and promoting environmentally-friendly technologies. We’ll all live much healthier lives if the world around us is clean.
Maggie: While I agree with Alex that environmental sustainability is important, I think that economic growth is the only way to solve many of the social and economic problems we face. We need a strong economy to create jobs, reduce poverty, and improve standards of living. Not only that, but when companies grow stronger and more profitable, they can develop new technologies that solve our environmental problems.