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Pre-Advanced English Course

CK English Aulas Particulares de inglês online no brasil

Como todos os cursos de inglês da CK, este curso se concentra na conversação. No entanto, neste nível, o aluno deve se sentir à vontade para falar e conversar com praticamente qualquer pessoa sobre praticamente qualquer assunto. O que torna este curso um pouco diferente de outros cursos, é que o objetivo é tornar o aluno confiante o suficiente em seu inglês para que ele possa viver em um país de língua inglesa, fazer amizades com pessoas que falam inglês, socializar em uma “mesa de jantar em inglês” e trabalhar em um “ambiente inglês” com colegas que falam inglês.


CK English Aulas Particulares de inglês para inciantes online no brasil

Embora o foco do curso ainda seja a conversação, há um grande foco no vocabulário e na escuta, pois isso permitirá que o aluno esteja preparado para qualquer situação que possa enfrentar ao trabalhar para uma empresa internacional ou morar no exterior. Outro aspecto deste curso que é um pouco diferente dos cursos anteriores, é que ele envolve temas. São 10 temas, cada um com diferentes atividades que estão de alguma forma relacionadas a esses temas. Abaixo está um exemplo do nosso primeiro tema do curso - "The Future & Space".

Aulas particulares de ingles Brasil
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Abaixo está um exemplo do que você pode esperar do CK Pre-Advanced English Course. Mas lembre-se que ao iniciar o curso você receberá um livro digital, que permitirá que você escreva e edite suas respostas, faça anotações de novo vocabulário e que também permitirá que seu professor corrija seus erros.

1. The Future & Space

1.1 Conversation

Let’s start with some conversation.

Your teacher will ask you some questions. Answer the question in as much detail as you can and then ask your teacher the same question without reading. 
For example, 

T: How often do you think about the future?
S: I think about the future at least once a day. How often do you think about the future?
T: I think about the future all the time. 


Ok, close your class. 

What do you hope for your own future?
What fears do you have for the future?

We won’t do the rest of the questions in this experimental class, but I think you get the idea. Let’s move to 1.2 Prepositions on the next page. 

Where do you see yourself in ten, twenty and fifty years from now?
What futuristic things from science fiction movies do you want to happen in real life?
Barack Obama said “The best is yet to come”. Do you agree?
What will the world's biggest problem be in the future?
How would you like to influence the future?
Does the expression “the good old days” mean that the future will probably be worse?
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future? Why?
What would you plan for your children’s future?
What technology will we be using in the future?
What are some major changes the world will see in the future?

Então você pode perceber que conversamos, mas a conversa é feita de maneira um pouco diferente, de modo que te ensina a "pensar em inglês".

1.2 Prepositions

Listen to the audio about the future called What life will be like in 2016, but DON'T complete the paragraph below. Just listen.

Não gostamos apenas de fazer o exercício “normal de preencher a lacuna com a preposição correta” - em vez disso, nós o integramos com uma atividade de escuta e discussão.

The FutureCK English
00:00 / 02:02

What was he/she talking about? Discuss with your teacher.

Now, WITHOUT listening again complete the text below with the correct prepositions. Your teacher will make conversation while you do it asking questions about if you agree or not.  


What life will be like in 2116

A new report shows what life might be like _____ 100 years _____ now. It describes skyscrapers that are much taller than today's buildings, underwater 'bubble' cities, and holidays _____ space. The report is _____ Samsung's SmartThings. It asked experts _____ space, architecture, and city planners to give their ideas _____ life _____ 2116. They said the way we live, work and play will be totally different to how we do these things today. The experts said that 25 years ago, people could not imagine how the Internet and smartphones would change our lives. The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, learn and do daily things. The experts said the changes _____ the next century would be even more unbelievable.

Researchers questioned 2,000 adults _____ the predictions they thought were most likely to happen _____ the future. They predicted that _____ the future, few people will go to an office but will work _____ home and have virtual work meetings. People will have advanced 3D printers that will let you download a design _____ furniture or a food recipe and then 'print' the sofa, table or pizza _____ home. There will also be less need _____ visits to the doctor. We will all have a home health capsule that will tell us what the problem is and give us treatment. We will also be going into space _____ holidays and to get resources that we have used _____ on Earth. A prediction that was missing was whether people would still need to study English.

Listen again to check your answers. Remember that different prepositions can be used sometimes. 

1.3 Grammar

Complete these grammar exercises while your teacher makes conversation.
Use the verb in brackets +
Just - Used to express something done recently.
Already - Used to express something that has been done.
Yet - Used to express something that has not been done. Used in negatives and questions. 

A: Would you like something to eat?     

B: No, thanks, __________ (I / just / have / lunch)
A: What's in the newspaper today? 
B:I don't know. __________ (I / not / read / it yet)
A: Is Sue coming to the cinema with us?
B: No, __________ (she / already / see / the film)

Uma grande parte de nossa metodologia consiste em fazer perguntas aos alunos enquanto eles completam as atividades de gramática, usando as palavras das atividades. Por exemplo, o professor pode perguntar ao aluno: "Whatdo you usually eat for lunch" ou "How do you stay up-to-date with what is happening in the news?" ou "When was the last time you went to the cinema?"
Isso torna o exercício mais divertido e ajuda os alunos a se lembrarem das palavras.

Acreditamos que para aprender algo precisamos fazer pelo menos 3 vezes, mas não gostamos de usar a repetição. Primeiro, fazemos isso lendo e escrevendo, com um pouco de conversa também. Agora vamos fazer isso ouvindo e falando, apenas. Essa parte é bem rápida, mas muito importante pois vai te ajudar a falar sem precisar pensar em português.

Ok, your teacher is going to offer you some things.

You must answer with No, thanks and use just or already
For example, 

T: Do you want something to eat?

S: No, thanks. I have just eaten dinner.

Do you want something to eat?
Do you want something to drink?

Do you want to go to the gym with me?

1.4 Reading - Jobs for the future

Discuss these questions.

1 Do you think people will still be doing the same kinds of jobs as today in ten or twenty years' time? 
2 What kinds of new jobs might become more common, and what jobs do you think will disappear? 
3 Do you think your job (or a job you'd like to do) will change in the future?

Read the article about types of jobs which will grow in the next ten years in the USA.


If you're looking for job security over the next ten years, then you should consider a career in health care, social care or transportation. That's the conclusion you can draw from a recent study into future working patterns that the US Bureau of Labor Statistics has just published. The report focuses on the areas which are increasing in employment opportunities as well as the occupational areas that will begin to decline. 

We took a look at eight job sectors that top the list of jobs for the future. 


1 NURSING Along with other healthcare workers and related technical jobs, the demand for nurses is expected to rise by 26 per cent over the next ten years. The minimum qualification required to be a nurse is a two-year degree from a college or university. 


2 RETAIL SALES Shopping will never go out of fashion, it seems, even when the economy is suffering. There will be an estimated 16 per cent increase in the number of sales assistants in the next ten years. This is good news for anyone who didn't do very well at high school, as these jobs typically don't ask for academic qualifications. 


3 PERSONAL CARE AIDES With our aging population, more elderly people than ever need part-time or full-time carers. Many of these jobs will be in residential centers and the report predicts that they will need 70 per cent more workers than at the present. Again, these are good employment opportunities for people with fewer academic skills. 


4 HOME HEALTH AIDES A similar field to Personal care, with a similar predicted increase, you could be responsible for visiting several people in their own homes to help with basic personal care. A sometimes challenging but often rewarding job which needs no academic qualifications.


5 CUSTOMER SERVICE Businesses are increasing their customer service representatives following the negative reactions that many customers have had to increased automation in things like phone systems. It's still a good area to get into, with a projected 15 per cent rise for the next ten years. You'll need a high school diploma or the equivalent qualification to get a starting position. 


6 TRANSPORTATION: TRUCK DRIVERS Heavy vehicles include tractors and trailers for moving goods around the country. The job can involve spending time on the road away from home. It's fairly easy to find driving courses if you need to upgrade your driving license. Most companies require a high school diploma too. The study reckons the transportation sector will have grown by 20 per cent by 2020. 

Discuss these questions. 

1 Does the article reflect what is happening in your country? 

2 How is your local employment situation similar or different from that described in the article? 

3 What kinds of changes, if any, would you like to see regarding the jobs available locally? 

4 Would you like to stay in the same job all your life? Why? / Why not?

Usamos artigos como este para estimular conversas e aprender vocabulário. Nossas atividades de leitura sempre incluem discussões.

1.5 Visual Story

Many people believe that the future of mankind is in space. What do you think? 
Read the story called “
Space Dogs”. Click on the image to make it bigger and to see the question below the image. Read and discuss with your teacher.

Na CK English, somos obcecados por conversação e sempre focamos na conversa!

1.6 Translation

Translate these sentences.  
a) De repente, lembrei que tinha esquecido minhas chaves.
b) Enquanto a Diana assistia ao seu programa de televisão favorito, houve um corte de energia.
c) O Tom costumava trabalhar no escritório no final do corredor.
d) Quem estava dirigindo o carro no momento do acidente? 
e) No momento que Sheila voltou, Chris tinha ido embora.

Normalmente traduzir não é uma boa estratégia, mas em alguns casos é… Por exemplo, muita comunicação hoje em dia é feita por whatsapp ou por escrito. A comunicação é mais lenta quando escrevemos… Quando as coisas estão mais lentas, muitas vezes temos tempo para pensar… Quando pensamos mais devagar traduzimos naturalmente… Então vamos aprender a fazer isso corretamente.

1.7 TEDTalk

You are going to watch a TED Talk by Derek Sivers called Keep your goals to yourself. Read the text about the speaker. Then discuss the questions. 

DEREK SIVERS was originally a professional musician and circus clown. He is best known as the founder of CD Baby, a company he started in 1998. It became the largest seller of independent music online. In 2008, Derek sold CD Baby for $22 million, giving the proceeds to a charitable trust for music education. In this talk, he explores what happens when we discuss our goals. Derek Sivers' idea worth spreading is that telling someone what you want to achieve can actually make it less likely to happen. 

1 Do you like to plan ahead for things you want to do in your life? If so, what kinds of things? 
2 Do you tend to tell other people about your plans and goals for the future? 
3 Do you think Derek Sivers originally had specific plans for his career? Why? / Why not? 

Read the sentences. Guess the meaning of the red words. Then match the words with their definitions. Copy and paste to the correct place on the table. 
1. I have to acknowledge that I had help from colleagues with this project. 
2. He's really
motivated to pass his exam because he's had a great job offer.

3. Conventional wisdom says that hard work is more important than luck in achieving our goals, but is it?

4. She's a very creative person. Her mind is always full of ideas.

5. My employees show great commitment by working late at busy times.

6. People who can delay gratification are often more successful at losing weight.

a) to wait for some time before expecting satisfaction

b) ideas that most people agree are correct 
c) to show you recognize something

d) the brain or imagination 
e) a promise or dedication to something

f) enthusiastic and determined to succeed 


Complete the summary of the TED Talk with these words. Then watch the talk and check your answers.
plans; proves; secret; suggestions; tests; 
Derek Sivers says it's better to keep our goals _____. He claims that telling people our _____  tricks our minds so that we think we have already achieved our goal. He describes an experiment that _____ this claim, which compared two groups of people doing some _____. He concludes by making a few _____ to help us to achieve our goals.

Do you agree with Derek? Is this something that you do? Discuss.

1.8 Conjunctions

We connect ideas of a sentence with conjunctions. They can be difficult sometimes. Let's practice. Complete these sentences while your teacher makes conversation. 
Complete the sentences. Use ‘
although’ + a sentence below.

I didn't speak the language 

he has a very important job    
I had never seen her before

we don't like them very much    
it was quite cold

the heating was on
I’d met her twice before

we’ve known each other a long time

1 __________, he isn’t particularly well-paid.
__________, I recognized her from a photograph.
3 She wasn't wearing a coat,
4 We thought we'd better invite them to the party,
__________, I managed to make myself understood.
__________, the room wasn't warm.
7 I didn't recognize her
8 We're not very good friends

Complete the sentences with although / in spite of / because / because of.
1 _____ it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.

2 a) _____ all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.
_____ we'd planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.


3 a I went home early _____ I was feeling unwell.
b I went to work the next day,
_____ I was still feeling unwell.


4 a She only accepted the job _____ the salary, which was very high.
b She accepted the job
_____ the salary, which was rather low.


5 a I managed to get to sleep _____ there was a lot of noise.
b I couldn’t get to sleep
_____ the noise.


Use your own ideas to complete the following sentences:
6 a He passed the exam although, _____.   
b He passed the exam because 

7 a) I didn't eat anything although _____.  
b) I didn't eat anything in spite of 

1.9 Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs can be very difficult but they are very important because native speakers use them all the time. They are made up of a verb and a preposition. Often the preposition changes the meaning of the word.


We often use verbs with the following words:
in, on, up, away, around, about, over, by, out, off, down, back, through, along, forward
So you can say look out / get on / take off / run away etc. 


These are phrasal verbs.

We often use on/off/out etc. with verbs of movement. 
For example:

get on

The bus was full. We couldn't get on.
drive off

A woman got into the car and drove off.
come back

Sally has left, but coming back on Sunday
turn around

When I touched him, he turned around.

But often the second word (on/off/out/etc.) gives a special meaning to the verb. For example:
break down

Sorry I’m late. The car broke down. 
look out

Look out! There’s a car coming! 
take off

I was nervous as the plane took off. 
get on

How was the exam? How did you get on? 
get by

My French isn't very good, but it's enough to get by. 

Complete each sentence using a verb from A (in the correct form) + a word from B
You can use a word more than once.

A = fly, go, look, sit, speak, get,

B= away, by, down, on, out, around, up,
1 The bus was full. We couldn't _____.
2 I’ve been standing for the last two hours. I'm going to _____ for a bit.
3 A cat tried to catch the bird, but it
_____ just in time.
4 We were trapped in the building. We couldn't
5 I can't hear you very well. Can you
_____ a little?
6 'Do you speak German?' 'Not very well, but I can 
7 House prices are very high. They've _____ a lot in the last few years.
8 I thought there was somebody behind me, but when I
_____ there was nobody there.

Uma grande parte deste curso é aprender um novo vocabulário e isso inclui verbos frasais. Eles podem ser difíceis, mas são usados frequentemente por falantes nativos de inglês. Nós sempre os praticamos através da conversa.

1.10 TED ed

Watch the Ted Ed video about surviving space travel. 
This is quite a difficult activity. The vocabulary is quite advanced and trying to understand everything the first time will be hard. I think you should follow these steps below.

1. Play the video in normal time without subtitles. 
2. Discuss the main points of the video with your teacher. 
3. Play the video again in normal time with subtitles.
4. Discuss anything that you think you missed.
5. If you feel you need to play the video again slower and with subtitles, you can. If not, move to number 6. 
6. Answer the quiz and discuss the questions below the video with your teacher. 


Aulas particulares de ingles Brasil
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+55 34 99256 6686

Espero que você possa ver neste pequeno exemplo de como o CK English pode fazer você falar inglês de forma rápida e fluente.

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