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Flight Attendants 

CK English Aulas Particulares de inglês para flight attendants online no Brasil

Aulas de ingles para comissários de bordo

Este curso foi desenvolvido especificamente para comissários de bordo que precisam usar o inglês todos os dias no trabalho e para pessoas que estão treinando para se tornarem tripulantes de cabine. Este curso mostrará aos alunos como se comunicar de forma clara, direta e com autoridade, mas também educadamente, mesmo ao lidar com situações difíceis.

O curso CK English Flight Attendant consiste em oito unidades. O curso é organizado em torno da sequência de um voo, começando com uma unidade           introdutória, seguida de pré-voo de boas-vindas aos passageiros a bordo,                  serviços e comodidades de cabine, questões médicas e de saúde em                   rota, segurança e emergências e descida, pouso e escala . A unidade                     final dá conselhos sobre como candidatar-se a cargos de tripulação                      de cabina. As unidades do curso funcionam de forma independente                        e podem ser selecionadas de acordo com as necessidades e                                 interesses dos participantes do curso. 

                        Abaixo está um exemplo do que você pode esperar encontrar                                em seu curso, mas lembre-se de que você receberá um livro                               digital que poderá digitar e editar.

01 - Introduction to Cabin Crew
Why do people become cabin crew?  Make a list of the job's good points. Then make a list of the job's bad points.
1. Listen to four people talk about their jobs. Complete the information in the table
Track 02CK English
00:00 / 02:27
Years in the job?
Total years flying?
They say...
The best part is going on ___________.
I'm in charge of ___________ the whole cabin.
My main responsibility is ___________.
I report to the ____________.
2. Listen again. Match each speaker with a job on the career path.
Cabin crew career path
                       D ________ Cabin service director (CSD)
               C) ________ Purser
       B) ________ Senior crew member
A) ________ Flight attendant


Did you know?

Different countries, airlines and sizes of aircraft can all have different names for cabin crew jobs.

Chief purser / Senior purser / Cabin service director / Cabin service manager / Inflight service manager / Inflight service director

Purser/Business class purser (Purser/Business class purser (PD/Economy class purser (PB

Assistant purser

Senior crew member/Senior flight attendant

Crew member Flight attendant

3. Match the verbs and phrases to make job responsibilities

1 be                                        a for take-off and landing

2 be in charge                       b missing or broken emergency equipment

3 secure the cabin                c manifest 

4 make                                   d the money

5 report                                  e on call

6 operate                               f the cabin service director

7 look after the                     g for all the flight attendants

8 take care of                        h the paperwork

9 account for                         i of running the whole cabin

10  look after                         j announcements

11 be responsible                 k the doors

12 report to                           I passengers' comfort

4. Write one sentence about each job in exercise 2. What part of each job do you think would be the most interesting, the least interesting, and the most difficult?

A. __________________________________________________________

B. __________________________________________________________

C. __________________________________________________________

D. __________________________________________________________

Talking about Jobs

Flight attendants must look after passengers.

The job of senior crew member involves going on international flights.

The purser's responsibilities include making announcements.

The cabin service director is responsible for the whole cabin.


Cabin crew work closely with other aviation professionals. Match the job with the picture.

Flight crew

a Captain

b First officer

c Flight engineer

Ground crew

d Apron/Ramp service (fuel, maintenance,tc.)

e Cabin service

f Catering

g Passenger service

h Field operation service

CK English Aulas Particulares de Inglês online para brasileiros

6. Choose one of the aviation professionals in exercise 5. Why would a cabin crew member need to communicate with them?


7. How much do you know about the history of cabin crew? Guess the answers to the questions.

1 What year did the first cabin crew member fly? _________________________________________

2 What year was the first commercial jetliner flown? ______________________________________

3 When did air rage start to become a problem? __________________________________________

Aulas particulares de ingles Brasil
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